NPC received an “unqualified audit opinion” from COA

The National Privacy Commission (NPC) has received an unmodified opinion (also
referred to as unqualified opinion) from the Commission on Audit (COA) for the fair presentation
of its financial statements for the Calendar Year 2021. The audit was conducted in accordance
with the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions and covered the review of
accounts and financial operations of the NPC.

On June 23, 2022, COA transmitted the Annual Audit Report on its unqualified opinion
to the NPC. An unqualified opinion is issued when the Auditor concludes that financial
statements are prepared in all material respects and in accordance with the applicable financial
reporting framework.

“In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material
respects, the financial position of the National Privacy Commission as of December 31, 2021, and
its financial performance, cash flows, changes in net asset/equity, and status of budget in relation
to the actual amounts utilized/disbursed for the year then ended in accordance with the
International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS),” COA Supervising Auditor Lea T.
Petero said in the report.

Privacy Commissioner John Henry D. Naga welcomed the result of the audit and lauded
the NPC workforce for their commitment and dedication in the proper management of public

“Meriting an unqualified opinion from the Commission on Audit is proof of the NPC’s
honest and transparent governance. Such is consistent with the Commission’s Quality Policy to
perform with utmost integrity and to commit to regulatory requirements of public service,” Naga

“We, at the NPC, hope that the unqualified opinion from COA will instill public
confidence and trust, not only in data privacy but also in the exercise of fiscal prudence in
handling public funds. The credit goes to the NPC workforce for ensuring that public funds are
efficiently utilized for the benefit of the Filipino people,” the Privacy Commissioner added.

“The NPC is an enabler and a protector, not only regarding data privacy but also in its
solemn obligation to use public funds for public benefit. The NPC gives its assurance that it will
continue to improve its fund utilization through consistent review, assessment, and
implementation of its quality management systems,” NPC Executive Director Ivin Ronald D.M.
Alzona said.

In addition to COA’s assessment, the NPC also received the International Organization
for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015 certification in December 2021, for the implementation of a
quality management system. These are a testament to the integrity of the NPC in its endeavor to
be a world-class regulatory and enforcement agency.
