Privacy Chief Invites LGUs to Host Personal Data Privacy Compliance Seminars and Workshops
The National Privacy Commission (NPC), in coordination with the Department of the
Interior and Local Government (DILG), invites all Provincial Governors, City and Municipal
Mayors, and others concerned to host personal data privacy compliance seminars and workshops
in their respective local government units (LGUs).
One of the key thrusts of the NPC is to equip LGUs, their data protection officers, and
personnel with knowledge and skills to strengthen their compliance with the Data Privacy Act
(DPA) of 2012. As local governments process personal data in order to execute its mandate, it is
important for LGUs to amplify their initiatives in raising awareness on data privacy and
promoting data protection. The local governments' effective compliance with the data privacy
law will significantly improve their public service through transparent processes and secure data
processing systems. Further, the conduct of personal data privacy compliance seminars and
workshops is an important step in igniting our local government’s enthusiasm to join the
Commission towards the goal of protecting their constituent’s personal data.
As part of its compliance support and advocacy functions, the Compliance and
Monitoring Division (CMD) of the NPC will assist local chief executives in strengthening their
data privacy policies and implementation. CMD will provide personnel as speakers in seminars
or workshops regarding DPA compliance organized by the LGUs. Interested LGUs may contact
NPC-CMD at (+63) 936 043 2973 or via email at [email protected].
Read DILG’s Memorandum Circular inviting LGUs relative to the conduct of personal
data privacy compliance seminar and workshop by the NPC here: Link
Privacy Commissioner