Statement of Privacy Commissioner Raymund Liboro on the Implementation of Mobile Number Portability Law
The National Privacy Commission (NPC) welcomes the implementation of the Mobile Number Portability Act (MNPA).
Data portability is a data subject right enshrined in Section 18 of the Data Privacy Act (DPA).
Allowing mobile postpaid or prepaid subscribers to retain their existing mobile number despite switching between different mobile service providers gives data subjects control over their data, which is among the key principles of the DPA. We believe that the implementation of the MNPA is a boon to the telecommunications industry in the country and bolsters consumer welfare at a time of surging cellphone usage.
We assure mobile subscribers that the NPC is ready to assist other government agencies in the implementation of the mobile number portability law. We will provide inputs and guidance in the porting activities of mobile service providers to ensure that the handling of subscribers’ personal data is strictly aligned with the data privacy law.