NPC and ADI collaborate on Privacy Enhancing Technologies

PASAY CITY – The National Privacy Commission (NPC) signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on regulatory sandboxing with Aboitiz Data Innovation (ADI), the data science and artificial intelligence arm of the Aboitiz Group, on 03 July 2024. Atty. John Henry D. Naga, Privacy Commissioner, and Dr. David R. Hardoon, ADI Chief Executive Officer presided over the MOA signing.

The MOA aims to promote the development, adoption, experimentation, and testing of innovative privacy enhancing technologies (PETs) upon use cases on sandbox environments. It also seeks to provide and share insights on its effectiveness, benefits, and future challenges in the field of data privacy and protection.

“Through this collaboration, NPC and ADI will engage in knowledge sharing and capacity building on enhancing data privacy through the use and application of PETs. The insights and learnings gained from this collaboration will then guide the NPC in crafting future regulatory requirements, standards, policies, guidelines, and best practices regarding PETs,” Privacy Commissioner Naga stated.

For his part, Dr. Hardoon emphasized the critical relationship between governance and innovation, “Ensuring proper governance, privacy, and compliance goes hand-in-hand with innovation. Through the MOA and the sandbox environment, we enable opportunities for industry participants to innovate with governance for the benefit of their consumers and stakeholders.”

This collaboration reflects NPC’s firm commitment to data privacy and innovation as it continues to fulfill its mandate of safeguarding personal data, fostering coordination with the private sector on data privacy issues, and proactively addressing contemporary challenges in data privacy and protection, while embracing solutions that balance technological advancements and innovation.

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