As a data subject, you have the right to obtain from the PIC a copy of your personal data and/or have the same transmitted from one PIC to another, in an electronic or structured format that is commonly used.

What are the conditions to be able to exercise this right?

You may be able to exercise this right when these two conditions concur. First, when the processing is based on consent or contract. Second, the personal data is processed by electronic means and in a structured and commonly used format.

What are the personal data that I may request to copy and/or transmit from one PIC to another?

Your right to data portability is limited to the personal data that you have actively and knowingly provided such as your name, address, age, username, etc., and observed data that you have provided by virtue of the use of service or the device, i.e. access logs, transaction history, location data, etc.

Can I request to have my personal data copied in a certain format?

You may request for any format provided that it is commonly used, machine-readable, interoperable, open formats, i.e. XML, JSON, CSV, etc.